I've dedicated countless hours to building this website, pouring every spare minute into it for months. Once I started, I was eager to reach a point where I could share it, so I pushed myself until I got there. Now that it's ready, I've taken a brief break to focus on other projects.
I still need to complete several pages, including ones on the COVID-19 vaccine, other effective treatments, and the increasing health challenges faced by children today. In addition, some of the published pages need more work. A major task ahead is explaining autism in layman's terms. I’m currently doing a lot of reading to fully understand the biological mechanisms before I write this section.
I also plan to add resources for families with autistic children and for those seeking information on vaccine exemptions. Minnesota is fortunate to have a conscientious exemption, but many people are unaware of this option. My goal is to empower people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions without feeling pressured or coerced.
I've also created a planner specifically for parents of autistic children, featuring sections for calendars, school and medication information, therapy details, diet tracking, and more. It includes tools for monitoring behaviors and sleep patterns to help identify triggers. I'm still working on how best to distribute the planner—possibly as a PDF on Etsy or through Amazon. I'm also exploring cost-effective ways to print and distribute it, ideally allowing users to refill certain sections like the calendar without replacing the entire book. If anyone has ideas on this, I'd love to hear them!
I'm incredibly proud of the work I've done and hope that people find it both useful and informative. If you have any suggestions for changes or additions, I’d love to hear them.
Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!